We invited London based Yoga Teacher /Tarot Reader Anna Cromie to share what a mindful moment looks like to her. Read on for for tips to inspire connectivity...
Describe what a mindful moment looks like to you?
Paying attention so intently to the point you get shivers. I learnt a trick at a Yoga retreat… say in your mind ’this is beautiful’ to everything. For example, get into the shower and say ’this tap is beautiful, this soap is beautiful, this water is beautiful’ feels silly at first but you leave feeling incredible, the herbal essence women personified.
What are your top mindful tips/daily rituals that keep you grounded?
I started doing ‘the miracle morning’ in lockdown, which in all honestly I don’t do every day but with self-discipline, I should take my own advice because it makes a world of difference.
20 mins reading (from a book not a phone)
20 mins affirmations (write down what I’m grateful for and visualise my ideal life)
20 mins meditation
Followed by yoga or a workout class.
You are set for a day where you feel alive and you’ve got your priorities straight!
What or who continues to inspire your journey of yoga/wellness?
The science and history of yoga inspires me. This year I’ve read ‘the body keeps score’, ‘breath’, ‘becoming supernatural’ etc and each time I’m hit with a new scientific gem that casts light on another way yoga improves your brain. I am in no way reaping the full benefits, I am still riddled with erratic ego behaviours but the continual challenges and improvements that come with yoga keep me inspired daily.
What daily tool or object keeps you grounded in daily life?
Your favourite mantra you couldn’t live without?
'Concentrate on how it feels, not how it looks'. This mantra takes on a new meaning in Yoga, relationships, clothing, jobs IN EVERYTHING
Share below if you feel there is something that is not talked about enough in the yoga/wellness industry?
Business and spirituality as a mix, it feels unnatural, I struggle with it really badly! Something like yoga is so grounded in love, sharing and community outside of the materialistic world so it feels weird and almost hypocritical to put your sales hat on and think about marketing, pricing, commissions and insurance?!?. People might think these yoga teachers are airy-fairy zen beings but trust me these guys are limber alan sugars!
Thanks for joining our community Anna!